Marking its milestone second decade in production, series 11 and 12 will see cast regulars and new faces alike descend on Saint Marie, delving into a world of mysterious murders and perplexing puzzles...
Follows Nina, a talented pianist who has lupus. She forges an unexpected yet strong connection with Gabriel, one of the doctors on the team who takes care of her and gives her to confidence to play wi...
怪物城市一个宁静祥和的日子。麦克·华斯基(比利·克里斯托 Billy Crystal 配音),可爱的大眼仔,这个高傲臭屁的独眼小怪物换了一辆超级先进、全自动化的六轮驱动汽车。他抑制不住心中的狂喜,首先邀请他的好伙伴毛怪(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 配音)参观、搭乘。苏利文在车中毛手毛脚的行为让大眼仔颇为恼火,他禁止毛怪碰触任何按钮,可是自己又显然还没掌握全部的操作要领。结果折腾了半天汽...
A young charismatic preacher and his hot Latina girlfriend travel Route 66 scamming the small churches along the way only to find that the bogus healing powers he portrays become real. The healing pow...